Course Duration

Three Days or approximately 30+ Hours. One hour on-line “synchronous” learning prior to the start of the course with the remaining hours in the instructor-led classroom.

A very demanding, yet powerful, course!

Target Audience

Both highly experienced and new leaders/coaches will benefit from this course! Anyone who has responsibility to communicate and work with other people, customers, team members, employees, vendors and the general public. The Communication Skills for Coaches equips individuals in becoming more effective communicators.

Course Overview

Some of the concepts and skills learned are:

  • How to create/structure/organize a message/information to facilitate more effective transfer of information and/or job expectations preventing misunderstanding
  • How to make oneself more credible and effective when resolving customer issues, dealing with difficult situations, and/or trying to convince others your solution is feasible
  • Giving and Receiving Feedback – People need effective feedback
  • How to help others remember important information/instructions
  • Improve our Verbal Communication Skills –interpersonal, coaching, and stand-up presentation
  • Visual Communication Skills – a high percentage of people are primarily visual yet most communication is delivered through “telling/talking”
  • Make business meetings, job site briefings, safety and crew meetings engaging – making it “active or interactive” rather than “passive”

During this three-day workshop, we will have the opportunity to practice these and other skills. Approximately 80 percent of our class time is interactive, with us all learning by participating.

Course Objectives

Before the conclusion of this course you will:

  • Build, at least one, effective verbal and visual message including at least one (1) interactive “non-lecture” activity/method of delivering the information/message to others
  • Verbally and visually deliver, up to a duration of 15 minutes, an important message or critical information to others using the Ready, Aim, Fire, and Reload method meeting all the criteria outlined in our “What our Team Members are Expecting from us” Check Sheet.
  • Apply at least four tips when giving positive and/or five tips when giving constructive feedback to at least one individual during the course
  • Practice receiving positive and/or constructive feedback at least one time using the seven tips presented
  • Demonstrate using at least three out of the seven best practices of highly credible leaders discussed within the course during at least two presentation opportunities

Course Outline

Day 1

• Introductions
• Establish a Foundation for Sharing Information
• Tools for building an Effective Message
• Asking Questions
• Ready, Aim, Fire, & Reload Method
• Designing Messages Principles
• Providing Team Member Feedback
• Effective Message Design Blueprint
• In Class - Study Hall: Desing a "Practice" Message

Day 2

• Receive Feedback
• Deliver "Practice" Message
• Connect before Communicate
• Visual Communication Techniques
• Verbal & Non-Verbal Communication Best Practices
• In-Class Study Hall: Design another "Practice" Message

Day 3

• Deliver our "Practice" Message
• In Class-Study Hall: Design/Redesign our "Practice" Message
• Deliver our "Practice" Message a Second Time
• Comprehensive Revisit
• Application